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Riddersalen på Sønderborg Slot

22.02.2025 @ 16:00
Sønderborg Musikforening

Koncert i KU.BE

23.02.2025 @ 13:30
“This recording is full of life and boasts an excitement that comes from an almost superhuman exactitude of performance combined with immense understanding of both Manoury’s soundworld and process.”
Fanfare July/August 2023


Reumert/Elten Percussion Duo består af de internationalt anerkendte klassiske slagtøjssolister Mathias Reumert (f. 1980) og Anders Elten (f. 1989). I telepatisk og virtuost sammenspil udforsker de to musikere et repertoire, som spænder fra ny partiturmusik til transskriptioner af klassiske mesterværker.

Duoen adskiller sig fra andre slagtøjsensembler ved at rendyrke de melodiske percussioninstrumenter, den varmt klingende marimba og dens jazzede søsterinstrument vibrafonen. De to musikere arbejder tæt sammen med en række af nutidens førende komponister, fx Philippe Manoury, hvis værk Argumenta er skrevet og dedikeret til duoen.

Reumert/Elten Percussion Duo har siden oprettelsen i 2017 haft som mission at åbne nye ører for den ny partiturmusik. Således har de ikke alene optrådt i landets store koncertsale såsom Tivolis Koncertsal, Alsion og Den Sorte Diamant, men også besøgt flere hundrede folkeskoler og inspireret tusindvis af elever til at dykke ned i musikkens verden.

Duoen optræder også til konferencer og events i det private erhvervsliv (DTU, Velux, Lindhardt & Ringhof m.fl.) ligeledes ud fra ønsket om at udbrede kendskabet til den ny partiturmusik og slagtøjets klangverden.


Reumert/Elten Percussion Duo consists of the internationally acclaimed Danish soloists, Mathias Reumert (b. 1980) and Anders Elten (b. 1989). A telepathic and virtuoso ensemble, the two musicians explore a repertoire spanning from brand new pieces to transcriptions of classical masterworks.

The duo distinguishes itself from other percussion ensembles by cultivating the more melodic percussion instruments: the warm-sounding marimba and its jazzy relative, the vibraphone. The two musicians collaborate with a number of today’s leading composers, for example Philippe Manoury, whose work Argumenta was written for and dedicated to the duo.

Since its formation in 2017, Reumert/Elten Percussion Duo has been on a mission to open new ears to contemporary music. To this end, not only have they performed in major concert halls and at important festivals, they have also visited hundreds of elementary schools and inspired thousands of children to delve into the world of music.

Ravel / arr. Reumert

Le Tombeau de Couperin

I. Prelude

VI. Toccata

Philippe Manoury



Click on the images below to view and download them in full size.
Please credit photographer Thomas Rockall Muus when using these photos.


For booking or other inquiries, please contact Anders Elten by phone (+45) 30 32 96 69, or email at: